White Rastas United

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Ras Tafari Livity


ARTICLE ON JAPANESE RASTAS : http://www.snakelyone.com/jahpan.htm

Really Good Rasta Forum of Overstanding : http://forums.rasta-

Ganja is the main sacrament in the Rastafari Religion, Its use goes back thru tales as Solomons time as king, the wisdom weed, the tree of life" Heres a good site explaining the presence of marijuana in the old testament. http://www.cannabisculture.com/backissues/cc05/kanehb.html

Good site on Rastafari: http://www.rastafari.org/

Our Most Holy of Sacraments

Church and Forum


The Church of Haile Selassie I

Rasta Forum

If you notice any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favorite sites!

Net Group focusing on Rastafarian belief and practice & Rastas of White and non-Black Orgin :)